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AI Policy

Policy on the Ethical Use of Artificial Intelligence Tools in Coursework


This policy establishes guidelines for the ethical use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools in completing assignments. As AI tools become more accessible and influential in learning environments, it is essential to recognize both their educational potential and ethical implications. This policy outlines acceptable and prohibited uses of AI for academic work, encourages responsible AI literacy, and empowers students to use AI as a supplemental learning tool in a way that supports academic integrity, respect for intellectual property, and individual learning objectives.


The purpose of this policy is to ensure that AI tools are used in ways that support students’ educational growth and maintain the integrity of their work. The intent is not to discourage the use of AI but to provide students with guidelines on ethical usage that aligns with the goals of higher education and fosters the development of critical skills. It is the responsibility of both students and instructors to be aware of these guidelines, to use AI tools in ways that enhance learning, and to recognize and avoid uses that could undermine academic and professional development.

Ethical Use of AI Tools

The following are examples of acceptable and prohibited uses of AI tools in coursework:

Acceptable Use

  1. Research Assistance: Students may use AI tools to assist in finding reputable sources, generating initial ideas, or identifying concepts relevant to their work.

  2. Writing Support: AI tools may be used to help with grammar checking, language translation, and stylistic improvements on written assignments, provided these tools do not generate the actual content or ideas presented as original work.

  3. Learning Aid: Students are encouraged to use AI as a resource for learning concepts or deepening understanding. For example, using AI to explain complex ideas or to simulate practice scenarios can be beneficial when done in conjunction with personal study efforts.

  4. Citing AI Use: If an AI tool has been used to develop any aspect of an assignment, students should provide a clear disclosure (e.g., “This paper used AI assistance from [Tool] for grammar checking and idea generation”) and cite the AI tool if it contributed content or shaped ideas directly. This ensures transparency and helps instructors gauge the AI’s role in the student’s work.

Prohibited Use

  1. Content Creation: Submitting AI-generated text, analysis, code, or solutions as if they were the student’s own work without acknowledgment or modification is not acceptable. This includes using AI to answer assignment questions, write essays, or complete programming tasks directly.

  2. Falsifying Sources: Generating sources or citations through AI without verifying their authenticity is unethical and can be considered academic dishonesty. AI-generated content should be fact-checked before inclusion in assignments.

  3. Copyright Infringement: AI tools that use copyrighted material to generate work may violate copyright laws. Students should refrain from using AI tools in ways that infringe on copyright, such as generating content that closely resembles copyrighted material.

  4. Plagiarism: Presenting AI-generated work as original without disclosure or citation constitutes plagiarism. Students should ensure that they attribute AI-generated content properly, as guided by their instructor or institution.

Promoting Responsible and Ethical AI Use

Encouraging AI Literacy
Understanding how to use AI tools responsibly is a valuable skill that extends beyond academic work. This course encourages students to explore the benefits and limitations of AI, including its potential for error and the importance of critical thinking when reviewing AI-generated content. By fostering AI literacy, students can make informed choices and recognize AI as a tool that complements, rather than replaces, personal effort and expertise.

Balancing Educational Outcomes with AI Use
While AI can aid understanding, over-reliance may hinder students from developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Students are encouraged to use AI in moderation and as a supplement rather than a substitute for individual learning and reflection. Misusing AI can result in missed educational opportunities and may compromise academic integrity.

Instructor’s Role and Academic Freedom

This policy allows instructors the flexibility to tailor AI-related guidelines to their specific courses and assignments. Instructors may provide additional guidance or set specific requirements for disclosing and citing AI usage as appropriate to their field and pedagogical goals. Instructors are encouraged to engage students in discussions about the ethical implications of AI and to provide guidance on its educational uses and limitations.

Consequences of Misuse

Failure to adhere to the ethical guidelines for AI use may result in academic penalties consistent with institutional policies on academic integrity. Students are encouraged to consult with their instructor if they have questions regarding the ethical use of AI in coursework.


This policy aims to empower students to responsibly integrate AI into their learning while recognizing and avoiding ethical risks. By promoting transparency, critical engagement, and respect for intellectual property, this policy supports the academic growth of students and the integrity of educational outcomes.