User Story Intro
Agile Development
User Stories
Qualities of a Good User Story
- Independent
- If they are independent, we can work on them without concern for story order.
- Not always possible
- Negotiable
- A good story must be able to change or adapt
- Used as an initial summary that can trigger new discussion, and should capture new information.
- Valuable
- User should perceive the user story as something important to the application.
- Helps establish story priority
- Estimable
- Must be able to estimate Time or Effort
- Depends on collaboration, skill and knowledge on the team
- Priority should be based on Value and Effort
- Effort estimation should be based on past user stories
- e.g. If it took 2 weeks and 3 developers to create Login Feature
- Role Based Security, which is more difficult, can be estimated at 4 weeks
- Anything longer than 2 weeks should be split into smaller stories
- Small
- Must fit in a 2 week sprint
- Easier to estimate time/effort
- Reduces risk
- Psychological impact of finishing something
- Testable
- Makes sure product matches promised deliverable.
- Adds 2 parts to User Story Template (Acceptance Criteria, Definition of Done)
- As a (who wants to accomplish something)
- I want to (what they want to accomplish)
- So that (why they want to accomplish that thing)
- Acceptance Criteria - Metric of Story Progress
- List of requirements at user or system level
- May also include system flow diagrams or sequence diagrams here.
- Must be specific to the User Story
- Must be met to ensure store is complete.
- Definition of Done - Metric of Sprint Progress
- List of criteria for ALL User Stories
- Sprint work only complete once all criteria are met
- As a bank customer
- I want to withdraw money from an ATM
- So that I’m not constrained by opening hours or lines at the teller’s
- Acceptance Criteria
- Pre-Condition: the user is a bank customer
- Pre-Condition: the user has an active ATM card and PIN
- The user can access the ATM with their ATM card and PIN
- If the user enters the wrong PIN.
- Then the user’s card is rejected and returned.
- The user can enter how much money to withdraw
- The user takes cash and gets their card back
- Definition of Done
- ATM code is documented in UML diagrams
- ATM withdraw feature passes regression testing
- Help documentation is written