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Big Data and NoSQL

Big Data and NoSQL

  • Learning Objectives

  • Explain the role of Big Data in modern business

  • Describe the primary characteristics of Big Data and how these go beyond the traditional “3 Vs”
  • Explain how the core components of the Hadoop framework operate
  • Identify the major components of the Hadoop ecosystem
  • Summarize the four major approaches of the NoSQL data model and how they differ from the relational model
  • Describe the characteristics of NewSQL databases
  • Understand how to work with document databases using MongoDB
  • Understand how to work with graph databases using Neo4j

Big Data

  • Volume: quantity of data to be stored
    • Scaling up: keeping the same number of systems but migrating each one to a larger system
    • Scaling out: when the workload exceeds server capacity, it is spread out across a number of servers
  • Velocity: speed at which data is entered into system and must be processed
    • Stream processing: focuses on input processing and requires analysis of data stream as it enters the system
    • Feedback loop processing: analysis of data to produce actionable results
  • Variety: variations in the structure of data to be stored
    • Structured data: fits into a predefined data model
    • Unstructured data: does not fit into a predefined model
  • Original view of big data
  • Feedback Loop Processing
  • Other characteristics
    • Variability: changes in meaning of data based on context
    • Sentimental analysis: attempts to determine if a statement conveys a positive, negative, or neutral attitude about a topic
    • Veracity: trustworthiness of data
    • Value: degree data can be analyzed for meaningful insight
    • Visualization: ability to graphically resent data to make it understandable
  • Relational databases are not necessarily the best for storing and managing all organizational data
    • Polyglot persistence: coexistence of a variety of data storage and management technologies within an organization’s infrastructure


  • De facto standard for most Big Data storage and processing
    • Java-based framework for distributing and processing very large data sets across clusters of computers
  • Important components
    • Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS): low-level distributed file processing system that can be used directly for data storage
    • MapReduce: programming model that supports processing large data sets

Hadoop Components

  • Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS)

    • Based on several key assumptions
      • High volume: default block sizes is 64 MB and can be configured to even larger values
      • Write-once, read-many: model simplifies concurrency issues and improves data throughput
      • Streaming access: optimized for batch processing of entire files as a continuous stream of data
      • Fault tolerance: designed to replicate data across many different devices so that when one fails, data is still available from another device
  • Hadoop uses several types of nodes; computers that perform one or more types of tasks within the system

    • Data node store the actual file data
    • Name node contains file system metadata
    • Client node makes requests to the file system as needed to support user applications
    • Data node communicates with name node and sends back block reports and heartbeats*
  • HDFS Depicted

  • MapReduce

    • Framework used to process large data sets across clusters
      • Breaks down complex tasks into smaller subtasks, performing the subtasks, and producing a final result
      • Map function takes a collection of data and sorts and filters it into a set of key-value pairs
        • Mapper program performs the map function
      • Reduce summaries results of map function produce a single result
        • Reducer program performs the reduce function
    • Implementation complements HDFS structure
      • Job tracker: central control program
      • Task tracker: reduces tasks on a node
      • Batch processing: runs tasks from beginning to end with no user interaction

Hadoop ecosystem

  • Most organizations that use Hadoop also use a set of other related products that interact and complement each other to produce an entire ecosystem of applications and tools
  • Like any ecosystem, the interconnected pieces are constantly evolving and their relationships are changing, so it is a rather fluid situation

  • Sample of ever-changing Hadoop Eco-System

  • Map reduce simplification applications
    • Hive: data warehousing system that sites on top of HDFS and supports its own SQL-like language
    • Pig: tool that compiles a high-level scripting language, named Pig Latin, into MapReduce jobs for executing in Hadoop
  • Data ingestion applications
    • Flume: component for ingesting data in Hadoop
    • Sqoop: tool for converting data back and forth between a relational database and the HDFS
  • Direct query applications
    • Hbase: column-oriented NoSQL database designed to sit on top of the HDFS that quickly processes sparse datasets
    • Impala: the first SQL on Hadoop application


  • Nosql: non-relational database technologies developed to address Big Data challenges
    • Name does not describe what the NoSQL technologies are, but rather what they are not (poor job of that as well)
  • Key-value (KV) databases: conceptually the simplest of the NoSQL data models
    • Store data as a collection of key-value pairs organized as buckets which are the equivalent of tables
  • Document databases: similar to key-value databases and can almost be considered a subtype of KV databases
    • Store data in key-value pairs in which the value components are encoded documents grouped into large groups called collections
  • Key-Value Database Storage
  • Document Database Tagged Format
  • Column-oriented databases refers to two technologies
    • Column-centric storage: data stored in blocks which hold data from a single column across many rows
    • Row-centric storage: data stored in block which hold data from all columns of a given set of rows
    • Row Centric versus Column Centric Storage
  • Graph databases store data on relationship-rich data as a collection of nodes and edges
    • Properties: like attributes; they are the data that we need to store about the node
    • Traversal: query in a graph database
    • Graph Database Diagram

Aggregate awareness

* Data is collected or aggregated around a central topic or entity
* Aggregate aware database models achieve clustering efficiency by making each piece of data relatively independent
* Graph databases, like relational databases, are aggregate ignorant
    * Do not organize the data into collections based on a central entity

NewSQL Databases

  • Database model that attempts to provide ACID-compliant transactions across a highly distributed infrastructure
    • ACID
      • Fully transactional
      • Data is validated before written to DB
      • All or nothing write rules
    • Latest technologies to appear in the data management area to address Big Data problems
    • No proven track record
    • Have been adopted by relatively few organizations

NewSQL databases support:

  • SQL as the primary interface
  • ACID-compliant transactions
  • Similar to NoSQL, NewSQL databases also support:
    • Highly distributed clusters
    • Key-value or column-oriented data stores

Working with Document Databases Using MongoDB

  • Popular document database
    • Among the NoSQL databases currently available, MongoDB has been one of the most successful in penetrating the database market
  • MongoDB, comes from the word humongous as its developers intended their new product to support extremely large data sets
    • High availability
    • High scalability
    • High performance

Importing Documents in MongoDB

  • Refer to the text for an importation example and considerations

Example of a MongoDB Query Using find()

  • Methods are programed functions to manipulate objects
    • Find() method retrieves objects from a collection that match the restrictions provided
    • Pretty() method is used to improve readability of the documents by placing key:value pairs on separate lines
  • Refer to the text for a query example

Working with Graph Databases Using Neo4j

  • Even though Neo4j is not yet as widely adopted as MongoDB, it has been one of the fastest growing NoSQL databases
    • Graph databases still work with concepts similar to entities and relationships
      • Focus is on the relationships
    • Graph databases are used in environments with complex relationships among entities
      • Heavily reliant on interdependence among their data
    • Neo4j provides several interface options
      • Designed with Java programming in mind

Creating nodes in Neo4j

  • Nodes in a graph database correspond to entity instances in a relational database
  • Cypher is the interactive, declarative query language in Neo4j
  • Nodes and relationships are created using a CREATE command
  • Refer to the text for examples
    • Using the CREATE command to create a member node
    • Retrieving node data with MATCH and WHERE
    • Retrieving relationship data with MATCH and WHERE
  • Neo4J Query Using Match/Where/Return