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Database Systems

Database Systems

Data Vs Information

  • Data is raw facts, the building blocks of info
  • Information is processing raw data for meaning
    • Accurate, contextual, and timely information is key to good decision making.
  • Other Relevant terms:
    • knowledge: The body of information and facts about a specific subject. Knowledge implies familiarity, awareness, and understanding of information as it applies to an environment. A key characteristic is that new knowledge can be derived from old knowledge.
    • data management: A process that focuses on data collection, storage, and retrieval. Common data management functions include addition, deletion, modification, and listing.

What is a Database

  • database: A shared, integrated computer structure that houses a collection of related data. A database contains two types of data: end-user data (raw facts) and metadata.
  • metadata: Data about data.
    • Relationships
    • Data characteristics (names, types, null, etc.)
  • Database management system (DBMS): The collection of programs that manages the database structure and controls access to the data stored in the database.

  • A database provides:

    • Improved data sharing
    • Improved data security
    • Better data integration
    • Minimized data inconsistency
    • Improved data access
    • Improved decision making
    • Increased end-user productivity
  • DB Types and Classifications

    • User Classification
      • Single User/Desktop: 1 user on a dekstop
      • Multiuser/Workgroup: 50 or less users supported
      • Enterprise: Supports hundreds of thousands of users
    • Location Classification
      • Centralized: single site, multi-user
      • Distributed: 2 or more independent sites with related data, multi-user
      • Cloud Database: Maintained by cloud providers, unknown hardware, but known performance
    • Data Classification (i.e. type of data stored)
      • General-Purpose: wide variety of data used by multiple disciplines
      • Discipline-Specific: Focused on specific subjects.
    • Data Structure Classification
      • Unstructured data: original raw data
      • structured data: formatted, and stored to aid storage and retrieval
      • Semi-Structured data: Partially structured.
        • XML Database: an example of a semi-structured DB.
    • Usage Classification (Most common today)
      • Operational: Designed to support day-to-day operations
      • OLTP (Online Transaction Processing): Same as Operational
      • Transactional: Same as Operational
      • Production: Same as Operational
      • Analytical: Tactical / Strategic decision usage
      • Data warehouse: historical data optimized for decision support
        • Warehouse data from Operational DB + Other Sources
        • OLAP: Frontend tools used to model data on warehouse
        • BI: Comprehensive set of tools used to make business decisions on warehouse
    • NoSQL (Not Just SQL)
      • Not a traditional RDBMS
      • built to handle: volume, variety, and velocity of data of new business demands from social medai

Why Design a Database

  • To make data atomic
  • Avoid repetetive data
  • Optimize storage, avoid unnecessary nulls
  • Optimize retrieval via indexing and views

Database Evolution

  • DP Problems: data inconsistency, data anomaly, data dependence, and structural dependence
    • Lengthy development times
    • Difficulty getting quick answers
    • Complex to manage and administrate - Data Redundancy, islands of info, no data integrity
    • Lacked security and data sharing
    • Difficult to change - Structural dependence
    • Data type change leads to program change - Data dependence

Database Components

  • Hardware: servers, workstations, switches, physical storage devices
  • Software:
    • Operating System: Linux, MacOS Unix, Windows
    • DBMS Software: MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle, DB2, PostgreSQL
    • Applications: DBBeaver, SQL Studio
  • People: Sys Admins, DBAs, DB Architects, Developers, End Users
  • Procedures: Audits, monitoring, standards of business.
  • Data: set of facts enetered into DB.

Main Functions of RDBMS

  • Data Dictionary Mgmt: schema, metadata, removes structural and data dependence from DBMS
  • Data Storage Mgmt: Manages complex structures required for storage and retrieval. Important for DB Perf. Tuning.
  • Data Transformation and Presentation: Coerces data into required formats. Relieves you from chore of distinguishing between logical data and physical data format (think date formatting VS how its stored).
  • Security Mgmt: User level security, CRUD ACLs, query and report access
  • Multiuser access control: Multi-CRUD operations without violating DB integrity
  • Backup and recovery Mgmt: Just what it sounds like
  • Data Integrity Mgmt: Integrity rules to reduce redundancy and maximize data consistency. Relationships are used to enforce data integrity
  • Database Acess Languages and APIs: query lang (SQL), APIs to Java, C, C#, Python, etc.
  • Database Comm Interface: Direct connect to websites, email apps, etc.