Week 9 - Adapter & Facade Design Patterns
The Adapter and Facade Design Patterns¶
- Structural Design Pattern
Pattern Definition¶
Adapter Design Pattern¶
- Hard Definition: Converts the interface of a class into another interface the clients expect. Adapter lets classes work together that couldn’t otherwise because of incompatible interfaces.
- Easy Definition: Allow two unrelated interfaces work together.
Facade Design Pattern¶
- Hard Definition: Provide a unified interface to a set of interfaces in a subsystem. Facade Pattern defines a higher-level interface that makes the subsystem easier to use.
- Easy Definition: A facade “wraps” a set of objects to simplify interacting with them.
Mermaid Graph - Object Adapter¶
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Mermaid Graph - Class Adapter¶
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Mermaid Graph - Facade¶
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Object Adapter¶
Class Adapter¶
Real World Usages¶
- Converting Enumerators to Iterators and vice versa.
- java.io classes InputStreamReader and OutputStreamWriter adapts an InputStream into a Reader and adapts an OutputStream into a Writer
- java.util classes such as array with methods like asList converts an Array into a List.
- JDBC Driver Manager
Java Code Example¶
Main Take-Aways from the textbook¶
- When you need to use an existing class and its interface is not the one you need, use an adapter.
- When you need to simplify and unify a large interface or complex set of interfaces, use a facade.
- An adapter changes an interface into one a client expects.
- A facade decouples a client from a complex subsystem.
- Implementing an adapter may require little work or a great deal of work depending on the size and complexity of the target interface.
- Implementing a facade requires that we compose the facade with its subsystem and use delegation to perform the work of the facade.
- There are two forms of the Adapter Pattern: object and class adapters.
- You can implement more than one facade for a subsystem.
- An adapter wraps an object to change its interface, a decorator wraps an object to add new behaviors and responsibilities, and a facade “wraps” a set of objects to simplify.
- Facade design pattern can be applied at any point of development, usually when the number of interfaces grow and system gets complex.
- Facade design pattern should be applied for similar kind of interfaces, its purpose is to provide a single interface rather than multiple interfaces that does the similar kind of jobs.
Main OO Principles of Adapter Pattern¶
- Favors composition over inheritance: Object Adapters are preferred!
Main OO Principles of Facade Pattern¶
- Principle of Least Knowledge: Talk only to your immediate friends.
- Loosely Coupled: Facade decouples clients from complexities of sub-systems. Subsystem interfaces are not aware of Facade.