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Database Connectivity and Web Technologies

Database Connectivity and Web Technologies


  • Explain the purpose of standard database connectivity interfaces
  • Describe the functionality and features of various database connectivity technologies: ODBC, OLE, ADO.NET, and JDBC
  • Describe how web-to-database middleware is used to integrate databases with the Internet
  • Identify the services provided by web application servers
  • Explain how Extensible Markup Language (XML) is used for web database development
  • Describe the advantages and disadvantages of using cloud computing for the database-as-a-service model

Database Connectivity

  • Mechanisms through which application programs connect and communicate with data repositories
    • Database middleware: provides an interface between the application program and the database
    • Data repository: data management application used to store data generated by an application program
    • Universal Data Access (UDA): collection of technologies used to access any type of data source and manage the data through a common interface
    • ODBC, OLE-DB, and ADO.NET form the backbone of MS UDA architecture

Native SQL Connectivity

  • Connection interface provided by database vendors, which is unique to each vendor
    • Interfaces are optimized for particular vendor’s DBMS
    • Maintenance is a burden for the programmer


  • Open Database Connectivity (ODBC): Microsoft’s implementation of a superset of SQL Access Group Call Level Interface (CLI) standard for database access
    • Widely supported database connectivity interface
    • Allows Windows application to access relational data sources by using SQL via standard application programming interface (API)
  • Data Access Objects (DAO): object-oriented API used to access desktop databases such as MS Access and FileMaker Pro
    • Provides an optimized interface that expose functionality of Jet data engine to programmers
  • Remote Data Objects (RDO): higher-level object-oriented application interface used to access remote database servers
    • Optimized to deal with server-based databases
  • Dynamic-link libraries (DLLs): implements ODBC, DAO, and RDO as shared code that is dynamically linked to the Windows operating environment

Components of ODBC architecture

  • High-level ODBC API through which application programs access ODBC functionality
  • Driver manager that is in charge of managing all database connections
  • ODBC driver that communicates directly to DBMS

ODBC, DAO, or RDO access to database


  • Object Linking and Embedding for Database (OLE-DB)
    • Database middleware that adds object-oriented functionality for access to relational and nonrelational data
    • Series of COM objects provides low-level database connectivity for applications
    • Types of objects based on functionality
      • Consumers: applications or processes
      • Providers: data or service
    • Does not provide support for scripting languages
  • ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) provide:
    • High-level application-oriented interface to interact with OLE-DB, DAO, and RDO
    • Unified interface to access data from any programming language that uses the underlying OLE-DB objects

OLE-DB Architecture


  • Data access component of Microsoft’s .NET application development framework
  • Microsoft’s .NET framework
    • Component-based platform for developing distributed, heterogeneous, interoperable applications
    • Manipulates any type of data using any combination of network, operating system, and programming language
    • Extends and enhances functionality critical for the development of distributed applications
  • DataSet: disconnected memory-resident representation of the database
    • Contains tables, columns, rows, relationships and constraints
    • Internally stored in XML format
    • Data in DataSet is made persistent as XML documents

ADO.Net Architecture

Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)

  • Application programming interface that allows a Java program to interact with a wide range of data sources
  • Advantages of JDBC
    • Company can leverage existing technology and personnel training
    • Direct access to database server or access via database middleware
    • Programmers can use their SQL skills to manipulate the data in the company’s databases
    • Provides a way to connect to databases through an ODBC driver

JDBC Architecture

Database Internet Connectivity

  • Allows new innovative services
    • Permit rapid response by bringing new services and products to market quickly
    • Increase customer satisfaction through creation of innovative data services
    • Allow anywhere, anytime data access using mobile smart devices via the Internet
    • Yield fast and effective information dissemination through universal access

Benefits of Internet Technologies

Web-to-Database Middleware

  • Web server is the main hub through which Internet services are accessed
    • Server-side extension: program that interacts directly with the web server
      • Provides services to the web server in a way that is totally transparent to the client browser
      • Known as web-to-database middleware

Web to DB Middleware

Web Server Interfaces

  • Currently, there are two well-defined web server interfaces
    • Common Gateway Interface (CGI): uses script files that perform specific functions based on the client’s parameters that are passed to the web server
    • Application programming interface (API): implemented as shared code or as dynamic-link libraries; treated as part of the web server program that is dynamically invoked when needed

The Web Browser

  • Software that lets users navigate the web from their client computer
    • Interprets HTML code received from web server
    • Presents different page components in standard way
  • Web is a stateless system
    • Web server does not know the status of any clients

Client-Side Extensions

  • Add functionality to Web browser
    • Plug-in: external application automatically invoked by the browser when needed
    • Java and JavaScript: embedded in web page
      • Downloaded with the Web page and activated by an event
    • ActiveX and VBScript: embedded in web page
      • Downloaded with page and activated by event
      • Oriented to Windows applications

Web Application Servers

  • Middleware application that expands the functionality of web servers by linking them to a wide range of services
    • Connects to and query database from web page
    • Presents database data in a webpage using various formats
    • Creates dynamic web search pages
    • Creates webpages to insert, update, and delete data
    • Enforces referential integrity
    • Uses simple and nested queries and program logic to represent business rules
  • Web application server features
    • Integrated development environment
    • Security and user authentication
    • Computational languages
    • Automation generation of HTML pages
    • Performance and fault -tolerant features
    • Database access with transaction management capabilities
    • Access to multiple services

Web Database Development

  • Process of interfacing databases with the web browser
    • How to create webpages that access data in a database
  • Code examples
    • Java Netty
    • PHP
    • ASP.NET

Extensible Markup Language (XML)

  • Meta-language used to represent and manipulate data elements
    • Facilitates the exchange of structured documents over the Internet
    • Allows definition of new tags
    • Case sensitive
    • Must be well-formed and properly nested
    • Indicates comments with <- and ->
    • XML and xml prefixes reserved for XML only

Document Type Definitions (DTD) and XML Schemas (XSD)


  • File with .dtd extension that describe XML elements
    • Provides composition of database’s logical model
    • Defines the syntax rules or valid tags for each type of XML document
  • Companies engaging in e-commerce transaction must develop and share DTDs
    • DTD referenced from inside XML document

XML schemas (XSDs)

  • Advanced data definition language
  • Describes the structure of XML data documents
  • More closely maps to database terminology and features
  • XML schema definition (XSD) file uses syntax similar to XML document

Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) for Presentation

  • XML separates data structure from presentation and processing
  • Extensible Style Language (XSL) displays XML data
    • Defines the rules by which XML data are formatted and displayed
    • Parts:
      • Extensible Style Language Transformations (XSLT)
      • XSL style sheets

Applications of XML

  • Several applications lend themselves particularly well to XML
    • B2B exchanges
    • Legacy systems integration
    • Web page development
    • Database support
    • Database meta-dictionaries
    • XML databases
    • XML services

Cloud Computing Services

  • Computing model that enables access to a shared pool of configurable computer resources
    • Can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction
    • Potential to become a game changer; eliminates financial and technological barriers

Cloud Services

Cloud Implementation Types

  • Public cloud
    • Built by a third-party organization to sell cloud services to the general public
  • Private cloud
    • Built by an organization for the sole purpose of servicing its own needs
  • Community cloud
    • Built by and for a specific group of organizations that share a common trade

Characteristics of Cloud Services

  • Cloud computing services share a set of guiding principles
    • Ubiquitous access via Internet technologies
    • Shared infrastructure
    • Lower costs and variable pricing
    • Flexible and scalable services
    • Dynamic provisioning
    • Service orientation
    • Managed operations

Cloud Service Types

Cloud Service Advantages and Disadvantages

SQL Data Services

  • Cloud computing-based data management service
    • Provides relational data management to companies
    • Hosted data management and standard protocols
    • Standard protocols
    • Common programming interface
  • Advantages
    • Reliable and scalable at a lower cost than in-house systems
    • High level of failure tolerance
    • Dynamic and automatic load balancing
    • Automated data backup and disaster recovery are included
    • Dynamic creation and allocation of processes and storage