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Data Models

Data Models

Importance of Data Modeling

  • Helps clarify how all the pieces of a business fit together, but can drill down into details. (High Level and Detailed views).
  • A good Data Model (Blueprint) means different end-user views of the data won’t matter.

Data Modeling Foundation

  • Data Modeling: The process of creating a specific data model for a problem domain.
    • Starts with simple problem and understanding
    • Increases detail as understanding increases
    • When complete Data Model is a blueprint for:
      • Instructions to build a database
      • Meets all end-user requirements
      • Will clearly be defined in text and diagrams
      • Should meet at least these 3 criteria
        • Description of the data structures
        • Enforcable data integrity rules
        • Method for manipulating and transforming data.
  • Data Model: Represents data structures and their characteristics relations, constraints, transformations, and other constructs with the purpose of supporting a specific problem domain.

Building Blocks:

  • Entities: Nouns
  • Attributes: Characteristic of Entity
  • Relationships: How Entities are associated (usually linking verbs)
    • 1:M, 1..*: One to many
    • M:N or ..: Many to many
    • 1:1 or 1..1: One to one
  • Constraints: Data restrictions
    • Ensure data integrity
    • Expressed as rules:

Business Rules & Database Design

  • Business Rules are policies, procedures, and principles of organizations.
  • They are also the first step in identifying and creating the aforementioned building blocks
  • Rules for Business Rules:
    • Should be easy to understand
    • Should be widely disseminated

Business Rule Discovery

  • Direct Interviews with End-Users (managers, policy makers)
    • Verify end-user perceptions, however
    • Verify end-user perceptions, however
  • Documentation

Document identified business rules to: * Standardize the company’s view of data * Facilitate communication between users and designers * Abets understanding scope of data * Clarifies business process and perceptions * Allows developing and re-visting correct relationships and constraints.

Translating Business Rules into a Data Model

  • Nouns often translate into an Entities.
  • Verbs often translate into relationships between entities.
  • From business rule, determine cardinality by assuming bi-directional relationships and asking:
    • How many instances of entity B are related to entity A
    • How many instances of entity A are related to entity B
  • Attributes can also be nouns or adverbs, but generally are characteristics of the entities.
  • Naming conventions should be followed:
    • CUS_CREDIT_LIMIT: e.g. field/attribute name: All upper case, proceeded by Entity Abbrev, underscores for spaces.

Evolution of Major Models

graph TB subgraph "1960-1969 - Least Semantics" comments1["- Difficult to represent M:N relationships (hierarchical only)\n- Structural level dependency\n- No ad hoc queries (record-at-a-time access)\n- Access path predefined (navigational access)"] hierarchical[Hierarchical] network[Network] end subgraph 1970 comments2["- Conceptual simplicity (structural independence)\n- Provides ad hoc queries (SQL)\n- Set-oriented access"] relational[Relational] end subgraph 1976 comments3["- Easy to understand (more semantics)\n - Limited to conceptual modeling\n(no implememntation component)"] entity_relationship[Entity Relationship] end subgraph "1978-1990 - Most Semantics" comments4["- More semantics in data model\n- Support for complex objects\n- Inheritance (class hierarchy)\n- Behavior\n- Unstructured data (XML Begins)\n- LATE 1990s XML data exchanges"] semantic[Semantic] object_oriented[Object Oriented] extended_relational["Extended Relational\n(O/R DBMS)"] end subgraph 2005-Present comments5["- Addresses Big Data problem\n- Less semantics in data model\n- Based on schema-less, key-value data model\nBest suited for large, sparse data stores"] xml_json["Unstructured\n(Document Data,\nXML/JSON)"] bigdata[Big Data / NoSQL] end hierarchical --> network network --> relational relational --> entity_relationship entity_relationship --> semantic semantic --> object_oriented semantic --> extended_relational extended_relational -->|DBs Still Play a Part| bigdata object_oriented --> xml_json xml_json -->|Some aspects shared| bigdata style hierarchical fill:#ccffcc,stroke:#4caf50,stroke-width:2px; style network fill:#ccffcc,stroke:#4caf50,stroke-width:2px; style relational fill:#ccffcc,stroke:#4caf50,stroke-width:2px; style entity_relationship fill:#ccffcc,stroke:#4caf50,stroke-width:2px; style semantic fill:#ccffcc,stroke:#4caf50,stroke-width:2px; style object_oriented fill:#ccffcc,stroke:#4caf50,stroke-width:2px; style extended_relational fill:#ccffcc,stroke:#4caf50,stroke-width:2px; style xml_json fill:#ccffcc,stroke:#4caf50,stroke-width:2px; style bigdata fill:#ccffcc,stroke:#4caf50,stroke-width:2px;
  • Hierarchical model:
    • Upside-down tree
    • Parent can have many children, but children only have a single parent.
    • Composed of segments, which are like file-system records
  • Network model:
    • DB is a collection of records with 1:M relationships, but children can have many parents.
    • Defined:
      • Schema (Org of DB as seen by DBA, tables, indexes, views, and queries),
      • SubSchema (Org of DB as seen by Applications),
      • DML (Defines how to manipulate DB i.e. SQL),
      • DDL (Allows DBA to define Schema Structure)
    • Limited Ad-Hoc queryability
    • Heavy demand on application developers
    • Structural changes lead to application massive changes (dats dependence)
  • Relational model (Solves general Data Problems):
    • Based on mathematical relation concept (But think of it as a TABLE of ROWS and COLUMNS)
    • COLUMNS are attributes, and ROWS are called tuples
    • TABLES: complete data and structural independence because it is a logical structure.
      • How a table is stored is of no concern to a user or designer.
    • RDBMS sophisticated mathematical data manipulation constructs, but they are hidden from the end-user!!!
    • Queries are intuitive and logical (SQL, specifies what must be done without expressing HOW).
    • Tables are releated via a common attribute
    • Easy to diagrame with Relational Diagrams
    • 3 Simple Parts
      • User Interface: DBBeaver, Sql Studio, etc. Helps generate SQL
      • Collection of Tables: Pesents data in an easy to unserstand fashion.
      • SQL Engine: Translate SQL user requests into complex mathematical data manipulations.
    • Due to robust mathematical foundation RDBMs can easily be extended with new capabilities like XML and Objects.
  • Entity relationship model:
    • Graphical way of representing the relational model with ERDs
    • Entities: Rectangles
      • Name: Noun in center of rectangle.
    • Attributes: Circles branched from entities in ERD
      • Characteristics of Entity
    • Relationships: Diamond, Crows Foot, or UML/Class notation.
  • OO Model (Solves specific needs):
    • Popular in CAD, GIS markets, which require complex objects.
    • Data and relationships contained in single structure known as an object.
    • Contains all operations that can be performed on an object.
    • Components:
      • Object: Single instance of a real world entity
      • Attributes: Properties of an object
      • Class: Collection of similar objects with shared structure.
      • Methods: Behaviors you can run on objects.
      • Class Hierarchy: upside-down tree with single parent relationship
      • Inheritance: Can inherit attributes and methods of parent.
      • Depicted with UML
  • Object/Relational and XML
    • ERDM adds OO features into simpler RDM structure.
      • Encapsulated data and methods
      • Extensible Data Types based on Classes
    • XML Databases emerged to manage unstructured data like e-mail, web-pages, diagrams, etc.

Data Model Basic Terminology Comparison

Real World Example File Processing Hierarchical Model Network Model Relational Model ER Model OO Model
A group of vendors Vendor file cabinet File Segment type Record type Table Entity set Class
A single vendor Global supplies Record Segment occurrence Current record Row (tuple) Entity occurrence Object
The contact name Johnny Ventura Field Segment field Record field Table attribute Entity attribute Object attribute
The vendor identifier G12987 Index Sequence field Record key Key Entity identifier Object identifier

Emerging Data Models

  • Exponential data growth
  • Getting actionable BI data from Petabytes of collected data has become paramount.
    • Browsing patterns, purchasing histories, customer preference, customer behaviors, social connections.
    • Mobile data, GPS, RFID, sensors, IoT, sound, pictures, etc.
  • Big Data: Find better ways to manage large data, get valuable business insights, but reduce costs.
    • 3Vs:
      • Volume: Petabytes of data
      • Velocity: Exponential growth, and need to mine it quickly (Response time is expected to be nearly instant).
      • Variety: Many different data formats not suitable to traditional RDBMS.

BigData Technologies

  • hadoop: java based, distributed, with thousands of nodes.
    • Componenets are HDFS and MapReduce
    • HDFS: Write once, read-many model
      • Name Node: Stores all FS metadata
      • Data Node: Stores fixed data-blocks that gets replicated
      • Client Node: User interface to HDFS
    • MapReduce: API that works with structured and unstructured data
      • Uses many nodes to perform 2 functions Map and Reduce
      • Map divides a job, Reduce reduces it into a filtered result set.
  • NoSQL: Large distributed DB System that stores structured and unstructured data.
    • They are not based on RDBMS Model
    • They are highly distributed
    • They are highly scalable, fault tolerant, and available
    • Support data with large number of attributes but sparse entity types
    • Built for performance and not data consistency
    • Examples:
      • Key/Value stores: Memcached, Redis
      • Document DBs: Mongo, ElasticSearch
      • Graph DBs: Neo4J

Usage Comparison

Classification of Data Models

graph TB subgraph " " direction TB subgraph " " direction TB subgraph " " enduser[End User View] designer[Designer's View] dbms[DBMS View] end subgraph " " direction TB external1[External Model] external2[External Model] conceptual[Conceptual Model] internal[Internal Model] physical[Physical Model] conceptual -->|Logical independence| internal internal -->|Physical independence| physical external1 --> conceptual external2 --> conceptual end enduser --> external1 enduser --> external2 designer --> conceptual dbms --> internal end subgraph "Degreee of Abstration" subgraph " " high[High] medhi["High/Medium"] medium[Medium] low[Low] end subgraph " " er[ER] oo[Object Oriented] rel[Relational] hinet[Network\nHierarchical] end subgraph "Characteristics" char1["Hardware-independent\nSoftware-independent"] char2["Hardware-independent\nSoftware-dependent"] char3["Hardware-dependent\nSoftware-dependent"] end er --> high oo --> medhi rel --> medium hinet --> low high --> char1 medium --> char2 low --> char3 end end style conceptual fill:#0055ff,stroke:#4caf50,stroke-width:2px; style external1 fill:#cc004a,stroke:#4caf50,stroke-width:2px; style external2 fill:#cc004a,stroke:#4caf50,stroke-width:2px; style internal fill:#ccffcc,stroke:#4caf50,stroke-width:2px; style physical fill:#aaffaa,stroke:#4caf50,stroke-width:2px;
  • Classified by ANSI/SPARC defined Levels of Abstraction (External, Conceptual, Internal, Physical)
    • External: Subset of the Data Model necessary for the application developer or report writers.
    • Conceptual: The global (Bird’s Eye) view of the data model. A Macro picture of the organization’s data.
    • Internal: Map of conceptual model to a specific DBMS
      • Entities of Conceptual model are mapped to Tables
      • Attributes to columns, data-types, constraints, etc.
    • Physical: The actual hardware (SSDs, SAN, etc.) the data is stored on.