MacOS Overview
MacOS Overview
Mission Control
- Shows all Open Winodows + Allows for Multiple Desktops
- Drag Items Onto new Desktop to Add
- Arrow between them with Control + Left or Right Arrows
- 4 Finger Gesture UP / DOWN to close
- Arrow > 3 Window Button
- Easy access to installed apps
- 5 Finter Gesture IN / OUT to close
- Arrow > 6 Window Button
Mac Desktop
- Finder menu bar’s Go feature can access shares
- Access to files and folders
- Applications are the mac binary programs we can run
- Utilities support a Mac with things like terminal or disk access.
- Locations are storage locations including remote/shared locations
- Tags can be used to tag important files
- Access to System Information, Preferences, App Store, recent items, Force Quit options
- Preferences: System wide settings and features
- Track Pad
- iCloud
- Time Machine
- Users & Groups
- Sharing like Screen Sharing or Remote Login
- Network Settings
- Spotlight (Search Utility)
- MacOS Password Manager found under Utilities
Screen Sharing
- System Preferences > Sharing
Remote Disc
- Allows access to Optical drive via the network.
- Super User Command Line Control