Singleton java
Examples of DIFFERENT Singleton Design Pattern¶
Eager Initialization¶
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- Useful if Singleton utilizes minimal resources.
- Object is created even if client doesn’t use it.
- No ability to handle exceptions.
- Reflection can destroy this Singleton implementation.
Static Block Initialization¶
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- Useful if Singleton utilizes minimal resources.
- Allows for exception handling.
- Object is created even if client doesn’t use it.
- Reflection can destroy this Singleton implementation.
Lazy Initialization¶
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- Initialized only when needed.
- Allows for exception handling.
- Not Thread-safe (i.e. would fail in multi-threaded code).
- Reflection can destroy this Singleton implementation.
Thread-Safe Lazy Singleton¶
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- Initialized only when needed.
- Allows for exception handling.
- Thread-Safe
- Reduced performance in synchronization.
- Fails in Java 5 in certain scenarios where too many threads tried to get the instance of the singleton class simultaneously due to OLD Java memory model.
- Reflection can destroy this Singleton implementation.
Thread-Safe Lazy Double-Checked Locking Singleton¶
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- Initialized only when needed.
- Allows for exception handling.
- Thread-Safe
- Fails in Java 5 in certain scenarios where too many threads tried to get the instance of the singleton class simultaneously due to OLD Java memory model.
- Reflection can destroy this Singleton implementation.
Bill Pugh Singleton Implementation¶
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- Initialized only when needed.
- Allows for exception handling.
- Thread-Safe
- Works well even in Java 5
- Reflection can destroy this Singleton implementation.
Enum Singleton¶
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- Enum guarantees single instantiation and global access.
- Thread-Safe
- Reflection CANNOT destroy this Singleton implementation.
- Created even if client doesn’t use it.
How Reflection Destroys Most Singleton Implementations!¶
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Issues with Serialization¶
- Serialization is when we need to store an object to the file-system, or other storage media, for later retrieval.
- The de-serialization of the stored object creates a new instance, however. This defeats the idea of a Singleton.
Example of Defeating Singleton with De-serialization¶
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How to fix Serialization Issue¶
- Add an override of readResolve method to your Singleton
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